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  • Do I have to track macros to work with you?
    No you don’t have to track macros to work with us! We meet clients where they are at and support them on their journeys. If you’re not ready to track macros you absolutely don’t have to! If you’ve tracked them in the past, but don’t feel like it’s the right time to track, then you don’t need to. The goal is not to feel tethered to your app or food scale until the end of time - the goal is to give clients the tools and knowledge they need to have a healthy relationship with food, and be able to make educated decisions around food on their own going forward.
  • Do you give out meal plans?
    We do not give out strict meal plans. We believe in food freedom! Life is all about balance, and we want you to eat foods and meals that you enjoy, and support your body through nutrients.We believe that meal plans often lead to restrictions around food, which is the opposite of what we want to see for our clients. We want you to learn how food fuels you and helps you reach your goals, all while living with freedom and balance.
  • What if I’m Vegan or Vegetarian, can I still work with you?"
    Absolutely! We are happy to work with clients that have specific dietary needs. There may be some additional nuances that we work through with the client based on those needs, but that is a minor detail!
  • Do you work with clients who have dietary restrictions? (gluten-free, dairy-free, keto, pescatarian etc)"
    Absolutely! We are happy to work with clients that have specific dietary needs. There may be some additional nuances that we work through with the client based on those needs, but that is a minor detail!
  • What equipment or tools do I need to purchase?
    Depending on where you are at in your nutrition journey, you may want to look at purchasing a food scale. However it’s not absolutely necessary. We also recommend downloading the free version of the MyFitnessPal app to your phone for tracking food intake, and we utilize the app Trainerize to connect with our clients for nutrition, workouts, and check-ins.
  • Do I have to use MyFitnessPal, or can I use another app?"
    You don’t have to use MyFitnessPal! However the app does synchronize with our app Trainerize so that your coach can easily see your daily food intake. But if you’re not quite ready for that step, we can approach that when the time comes.
  • Is cooking a requirement if I really don’t like to?
    We believe in meeting our clients where they are at! So if cooking isn’t your thing that’s ok! We will work with you to find alternative solutions to help guide you with nutrition.
  • Do you work with clients who have a history of an eating disorder?
    • If you are currently struggling with an eating disorder we recommend that you speak with a doctor. We are not qualified to take clients through therapy for an eating disorder. • If you have worked through disordered eating habits we are happy to work with you to help guide your nutritional needs going forward, and will refer out to a doctor as necessary.
  • What if I travel for work all the time and struggle with being consistent?
    Life is filled with ups and downs, and busy schedules! We will work with you to figure out what truly works for your lifestyle and schedule, and help guide you along the way. We believe in flexible dieting and food freedom, so travelling and being busy is something we know how to work around!
  • What if I want help for my whole family?
    While we work with clients on an individual basis, we highly recommend you apply the knowledge and skills you gain to how you approach meals with your family!
  • If I do the Accountability Plan with both training and nutrition will you help me with form and/or learning exercises?
    Absolutely! In the workout plans each exercise will have a demo video that you can reference at any time. Additionally the Accountability Plan comes with weekly 30 minute video calls where we can go over any questions you may have and dig into the details. You also of course can film yourself doing an exercise and send it to us at any time and we can dissect it for you and provide feedback in either written or video format. If this is something that you feel you may need some in-person or more specialized attention for, we are happy to work with you to meet your needs.
  • Do I need to have a gym membership for training?
    No, you don’t need a gym membership! While that may be something to consider as you grow, its not a requirement. We are happy to work with whatever you have access to! The workout programs are completely customized to your body, your goals, and your environment!
  • I’m a very social person and go out a lot, can I balance both?"
    Absolutely! We believe in food freedom and flexibility! You can enjoy having a social life, eating foods you love, going out and still reaching your goals! We will help you learn to find balance, give you the tools you need to be successful and live a happy, social and balanced life.
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