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Plans & Pricing
Pricing for all types of training and levels
  • 6 Week Course

    Every week
    With Sonya
    Valid for 6 weeks
    • 3 Strength Training Sessions
    • 2 Cardio Sessions
    • Macro/Nutrition Check-ins
    • Customized upon request
    • All levels welcomed
    • Cancel anytime
  • Guidance Plan

    Every month
    • Monthly 30 minute video call
    • Unlimited text/email communication
    • Access to the Trainerize app
    • Customized macronutrient goals
    • Customized data tracking:
    • (weight, measurements, photos, sleep, water, movement)
  • Accountability Plan

    Every month
    • Weekly 30 minute video call
    • Unlimited text/email communication
    • Access to the Trainerize app
    • Customized macronutrient goals
    • Customized workout program
    • Customized data tracking:
    • (Weight, measurements, photos, sleep, water, movement)
Book a free 15 minute nutrition consultation >
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