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5 Tips for Getting a Better Night of Sleep

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5 Tips for Getting a Better Night of Sleep

  • Intro

  • TIP 1: Create a night time routine

  • TIP 2: Turn off electronics 1 to 2 hours before bedtime

    • You may have heard about how blue light affects your circadian rhythm and melatonin production.

  • TIP 3: Prioritize managing your stress

    • Sometimes what can interrupt our sleep cycles comes from our mental and emotional wellbeing. If you experience a high level of stress or anxiety this can absolutely impact your ability to sleep and get quality rest. It can be challenging to manage stress and anxiety in your life, but there are some techniques that can help you become better at recognizing when you’re experiencing these feelings, and how to process them which can help you achieve restful sleep at night.

    • Mindfulness is a huge part of understanding and recognizing your emotional state. When you feel your heart rate pick up or the world becomes too heavy, take a deep breath. Focus on bringing your attention back down into your breath and take some time to just be present. Breathwork can be a great way to immediately bring some comfort when you feel anxiety or stress.

    • Processing and managing your stress and anxiety takes practice and effort, but it will greatly impact your ability to rest and wake up feeling ready to face the next day. If you need further help in this area we recommend talking to a professional to equip you with better tools.

  • TIP 4: Incorporate herbal supplements

    • Sometimes we need a little extra help with falling asleep and/or staying asleep. Rather than turning to medications we recommend incorporating some herbal supplements into your nighttime routine.

    • Valerian Root is a great herbal supplement that helps you fall asleep and stay asleep. It has been used for thousands of years and can be found in pill form, liquid form, or even in tea.--- info

    • Magnesium is a supplement that can help support deep sleep due to the way it helps support your GABA levels. GABA is a neurotransmitter that supports sleep and relaxation. We will talk more about that later on. In addition, magnesium is an excellent supplement for women specifically because unfortunately birth control suppresses magnesium absorption, and magnesium is vital to proper estrogen metabolism.

    • Zinc is an essential mineral that our body needs for various functions such as immune function, metabolism and growth, but what you may not know is that having adequate levels of zinc in your blood may help shorten the amount of time it takes to fall asleep.

    • Ashwagandha is an herb that is native to India and Africa and has been used for thousands of years. It has many uses, but the most common is for its adaptogen qualities which help your body manage stress. The leaves of the plant contain triethylene glycol which promotes sleep. An added benefit of Ashwagandha is that it supports your hard earned muscle!

    • Chamomile-- info

    • GABA-- info

    • CBD-- info

  • TIP 5: Utilize a relaxing practice prior to bed

    • Whether this becomes a routine or habit depends on the frequency you choose to incorporate it, but we recommend finding a practice that relaxes you and utilizing it in the evening. This could be anything from taking a warm bath before bed since it relaxes you and raises your body temperature which prepares you to sleep, or incorporating some mobility work, or even some meditation or yin yoga. Finding a practice that relaxes you, slows your heart rate, and brings your breath to the front of your focus is incredibly helpful in setting the right tone for bedtime.

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