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The Benefits of Eating Seasonally

Updated: Aug 9, 2021

Have you ever wondered why you can find pineapples in the grocery store all year round, and why berries seem to be so expensive in the winter? Over the years our society has gotten more efficient at producing and growing food and the demand for a wide variety of options has continued to spike. Because of this we now have grocery stores packed with all kinds of fresh produce year-round. While there certainly are some great benefits, we wanted to take a moment to talk about the benefits of eating seasonally.

What does it mean to eat “seasonally”

So what does eating seasonally mean? Essentially all this means is eating produce that is ripe and harvested at that time of year locally. In the western world we pretty much have access to any produce we want at any time of year. However this is not necessarily the most natural way of eating. Consuming produce seasonally means eating fruits and vegetables that are local and in their harvest.

Example: In Washington state May-July is the best time of year to buy and consume local cherries.

Nutrient and health related benefits

One of the great benefits of eating seasonally is that you are getting the best flavor profile! Because you are able to eat the produce when its at its peak you are getting fresh and flavorful foods. When you eat produce that is seasonal, and especially local, it has been picked at its peak ripeness. When you pick up produce that is outside of its natural growing season it is typically picked before it has fully ripened so that it can continue to ripen during the transit, and often the produce is sprayed with chemicals to prevent it from ripening too quickly.

Additionally when eating produce at its peak harvest you are also supplying your body with nutrients from when its at its optimal time. You are able to get the most micronutrients from that food into your body! When produce has been picked before ripening the nutrients have not had time to fully develop and so you’re not able to acquire the same levels of nutrients from that fruit or vegetable.

When you eat seasonal produce you are also able to consume a wide variety of foods! This gives you a broader range of nutrients as well as a large range of recipe options.

Agricultural related benefits

By focusing on eating seasonally you are able to eat produce that was grown locally. This helps support your local agriculture, farms and economy. You’re also more likely to be able to see where your food is being grown, get to know your local farmers, and help support local businesses. Often times your local farms are putting in the hard work to not only bring you beautiful produce but also take extra special care of the environment.

Environmental related benefits

Eating seasonal and local produce also helps support our environment! You’re cutting down on the overall footprint of your food and waste by limiting the distance it has to travel to get to you. When you buy out of season produce it may travel across the country or even be imported which has a great cost to our environment.

You are also able to typically cut down on the cost of produce when eating seasonally. When you’re consuming fruits and vegetables that are in season they are often found abundantly, thus reducing the overall cost. When you purchase produce that is outside of its natural season it will usually be transported to your local store and so the cost will be higher due to the increased cost of transportation.

How to put this into practice

We recommend shopping the exterior isles of your local grocery store to get an idea of fresh produce that is available and take note of things that shift with the seasons. If you’re not sure if something was grown locally, don’t be afraid to ask your clerk.

We also recommend checking out your local farmer’s market! You’ll be able to see what is grown locally, talk to those that work with those farms, and learn more about what is grown in your area. You’ll also be supporting your local economy and its always a great experience!

There are often local produce box options in metropolitan areas. In the greater Seattle area we love our friends at Pacific Coast Harvest! They focus on working directly with regional farmers to build relationships and supply consumers with their in season harvests. You can customize your weekly produce box as well!

While there is certainly nothing wrong with eating strawberries in the winter or pears in the summer, we encourage you to implement more seasonal eating into your routine. The benefits are far too great to ignore, both from a nutrient standpoint, and an environmental impact. We hope that connecting yourself with nature’s natural rhythm of growth and harvest, brings you bursts of flavor, rich nutrients, and a greater respect for our planet.

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